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Anti -cheat dispositions

Unfortunately, some abusive people tend to use an AI to cheat their way to victory. 

In order to prevent such behaviour, the following points are to be respected during the games:


  1. Download and run ActivityWatch (link below).
    This freeware simply keeps track of any other software running on your computer.
    If needed, the organizers will ask you for the log file.

  2. Connect your webcam, and contact your opponent via Skype. The call has to last the entire game.
    Thus, if your opponent check regularly an other device, you could see it.


If you suspect an unfair behaviour, please contact the organizers using the "Quick question" chatbox on this website. If necessary, we will refer to Antti Törmänen 1P, expert in the matter.

Anti-cheat: Plus d'infos
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